Chris Wright’s latest Word on the World

World on the World

Chris Wright, Langham’s Global Ambassador and Ministry Director, seeks a biblical response to the war in Ukraine in his latest ‘Word on the World’ feature for the Spring ’22 edition of Transform. I write this on Day 5 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I have no idea what the situation in that country will…

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Stott-inspired book wins prestigious award

A Langham Publishing book, which continues John Stott’s legacy of radical discipleship, has won a prestigious book award in the US. ‘Living Radical Discipleship’ is a collection of essays by Chris Wright (our Ministries Director & Global Ambassador) and others. Christianity Today has given it the ‘Book of the Year Award’ in the ‘Christian Living…

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Encouragement from Jeremiah

What a remarkable letter Jeremiah wrote to the exiles in Babylon, recorded in Jeremiah 29, and especially verses 1-14.  It was written to people experiencing severe trauma, confusion and questioning.  Jeremiah offered the exiles three things.  A fresh perspective:  to see the situation in the light of God’s sovereignty (vs. 4-6). The narrator talks about the people…

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Going Viral

Chris Wright, International Ministries Director reflects biblically on the corona virus outbreak “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never spent a sleepless night with a single mosquito.” So runs the saying we learned while living in India. Tiny things punch way above their weight. And a virus is a lot smaller…

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Chris Wright preaching resource blesses Ethiopian Church

Eritrean refugees were among 50 preachers blessed with a translated copy of Chris Wright’s award-winning Langham book ‘Sweeter than Honey’ earlier this month. The resource is an essential guide for correctly handling the Old Testament. It was given to attendees of a Level 3 Langham Preaching seminar in Shire, Northern Ethiopia. ‘So happy’ The movement…

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Let’s get really radical

This is a recent blog post from Langham Preaching Director Paul Windsor. The generation that came after me tends to impress me more than the babyboomer one that went before me. Speaking very generally, and yet observing it repeatedly, their hearts seem to be turned towards the world more radically. For me it started when we hosted…

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‘I was truly privileged to stay at Tyndale House’

Langham Scholar Oboletswe Matlhaope is studying for a PhD at North West University, South Africa, and is from Botswana. From September to December last year, Oboletswe stayed at Tyndale House, Cambridge, in Langham’s dedicated bed-sitting study room. He is so grateful for his time there, and has expressed his “deepest gratitude” for being able to study…

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Consecrated on a football pitch

Not every football pitch gets a crowd of 10,000 spectators. Nor does every bishop have 10,000 people singing at their consecration. But that was the scene on a Sunday in August last year, in the bustling town of Lira in central Uganda, when Langham Scholar Reverend Canon Doctor Alfred Olwa was consecrated as the new…

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