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There is a leadership crisis in the global church, where church growth is explosive yet the majority of pastors and leaders lack training they need to shepherd new believers. Will you help us change that?


Your faithful generosity equips the global church, training pastors to teach God’s Word, providing biblical resources to churches and Bible colleges and raising up theological leaders. As you read the information below, please prayerfully consider a gift to advance God’s Word in more than 90 nations worldwide.


Following are ways you can support the ministries of Langham worldwide.

Donate by Credit Card

You can arrange with your bank to set up periodical payments directly to the Langham Foundation bank account or to transfer monies directly via Internet banking.

  1. Enter your credit card details on our Langham Foundation Online Donation Form.
  2. Download the Langham Foundation Donation Form and fill in your credit card information to us.

Your gift will be acknowledged by our official receipt which is recognised by the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong as evidence for tax deduction.

Please send the Langham Foundation donation form to:

Langham Foundation Limited 靈風基金
Unit C, 5/F, Anson House
13-19A Lock Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Become a Langham partner

When you become a Langham Partner and support the training of Majority World pastors, you are investing in the growth toward maturity for local church congregations. Here is how your contribution can have a deep impact on the lives of many.

Click here to request a direct debit form to become a Langham Partner.

Donate by Cheque

Please send crossed cheque or bank draft payable to LANGHAM FOUNDATION LIMITED with a Langham Foundation Donation Form.

Donation by Direct Deposits

Deposit your gift to our Bank Account No. 024-366-040343-001 with HANG SENG BANK and send us your deposit slip with a Langham Foundation Donation Form.

Your support trains preachers in Haiti to confront harmful worldviews with the true gospel.

In a country like Haiti, people look to unseen spirits, superstition, and chance for help in the face of crisis and tragedy. Human agency, dignity, and worth are undervalued and undermined. That’s why Langham was invited to partner with local churches to train preachers to study and proclaim the scriptures. Pastor Guenson, who teaches at a Bible college and helps lead the training, says, “We believe once we, all preachers in Haiti, begin to preach the Bible, change will happen at every level of our life.”

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