Central Eastern European Bible Commentary – please pray

Langham Literature is supporting the completion of another one-volume Bible commentary, this time for Central and Eastern Europe. The resource, written by indigenous Scholars for Central and Eastern European believers, is expected to take several years to complete. And the total cost will be hundreds of thousands of pounds. The project’s coordinator Katharina Penner recently…

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Liberian pastors grateful to God for Langham resources and training

Just last week, eleven people attended a special Langham Preaching training event in Liberia. Attendees includes local trainers, who were being refreshed in how to lead seminars, and Preaching Club coordinators. The participants were extremely grateful not only for the training, but also for a book pack that Langham Literature gave to each of them.…

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‘Leviticus is very relevant for Central and Eastern Europe’s societal problems’

The Central Eastern European Bible Commentary is another landmark Langham Literature project that is expected to take several years to complete and cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. Recently Katharina Penner, the project coordinator, interviewed one of the theological editors and authors, Lidija Gunjevic from Croatia. She has already completed the commentaries on Jonah and…

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Hausa edition of Africa Bible Commentary published

The Hausa translation of the hugely influential Africa Bible Commentary has finally been published, over seven years after work began on the project.  This Hausa version is called ‘Sharhin Littafi Mai Tsarki Don Afirka’, and is over 200 pages longer than the original English. The commentary has been published by Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) in Nigeria.…

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Profound thanks expressed for Langham Library Grants

Every year, Langham Literature provides thousands of books free of charge to Bible Colleges around the world. We recently heard from students who were extremely grateful for Langham’s Library Grant programme. In December, we heard that several leaders in Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi had expressed their “delight and appreciation” at having received their Langham books.…

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Finding God’s grace when you lose everything…

Taras N. Dyatlik, project manager of Langham Literature’s Slavic Bible Commentary (SBC), shares how the recent war in Ukraine impacted this resource. Writers on both sides of the conflict had to work together. They showed how the Bible speaks to people who have lost family, property, businesses. Taras says the commentary is a “monument to…

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Publisher Development – Supporting the Majority World Church

In early February 2019 three of Langham Literature’s staff made a short visit to Egypt to work alongside Dar El Thaqafa, the publishing arm of CEOSS (Coptic Evangelical Organisation for Social Services). Dar El Thaqafa are the distributors of the recently published Arabic Contemporary Commentary and have also published several other Langham Publishing titles in…

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Bountiful harvest from a Langham writers’ workshop

It can take many years to see fruit from writers’ workshops. They bring together a small group of Christian leaders who want to write books for their own communities. The workshops provide time to write and reflect on the universal principles that writers need to bear in mind as they shape a book. The writers…

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Author Spotlight – Imad Shehadeh

Imad Shehadeh is the author of Langham Global Library title ‘God With Us and Without Us, Volume 1′. He is a Palestinian Christian with a doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas, USA. After completing his studies in Dallas he returned to Jordan where he founded the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in 1991, where Dr Shehadeh is…

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