A good biblical resource, like a good Bible teacher, can impact a life.
Think of the books that have impacted your understanding of God’s Word and encouraged you in your own walk with Jesus. Now, imagine not having access to them.
This is the staggering reality for the Chin people of Myanmar—and for many believers across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East—where there is a dire lack of biblical resources to help believers in their local language and context.

Together, we are changing that.
Today, because of your support, biblical scholar Dr. *Myat is writing books in the Chin language to open God’s Word in the most remote villages of his region.
But, it wasn’t always that way.
False Doctrine Rampant without Resources
Before becoming a prolific Christian writer, pastor, and leader, Myat was raised in a poor, illiterate family in a rural village in Chin State, Myanmar. By God’s grace, he was able to attend Bible college—something the vast majority of believers in his village are unable to do.
Myat says the hardest part was learning and studying in a foreign language—and it made him realize how essential biblical resources written in heart languages and addressing heart issues are.
“My people had not a single theological and biblical resource to read in those days, and I had great passion to have Christian theological books in Chin-Myanmar since I was in school,” he explains.

There is a great need for Myat’s writing ministry in Myanmar. While the majority of the Tedim Chin people have some form of Christian culture, many haven’t understood the Gospel.
Many churches preach false doctrine and prosperity gospel, and Bibles are scarce. Many pastors don’t even own a Bible or have any theological training, resulting in a low view of Scripture.
Books in the Right Language Changing Lives
Today, with support from Langham, Myat is writing the books his culture needs to understand and obey God’s word. Since 2009, he has written 13 books with our support. Because of your partnership, books like The Living Faith, Doctrine of Salvation and Union with Christ are now in the hands of pastors, leaders and believers hungry to know God’s Word. Their lives are changed as they understand God’s love.
One local pastor says, “This book opens the eyes of the Chin people for the true knowledge of the living God. This is the greatest book I have ever seen in the Chin language. I love this book!”
Now, Chin pastors and Bible colleges have access to books in their own language, and it’s changing lives not only in Myanmar, but for Chin living abroad, too. Myat says he frequently gets requests from Chin people all over the world for his books (and for him to keep writing so they can read and grow in their walk with Christ!).

“I designed my books for lay pastors who have no theological education, for church leaders who have no Bible knowledge, for young people who are going to be leaders who change our societies, and for Bible students,” Myat says. “I have received much feedback and many reports that my books truly edified the church of Christ in Myanmar.”
Books Go Where People Can’t
Myat intends to keep writing the books his people need to grow in Christ because books go where people can’t. “My books reach different people and different places where I could not reach, and they testify to the truth of God,” he shares.
Your continued support of Langham allows leaders like Myat to reach others for Christ, multiplying disciples and advancing the Kingdom. Thank you for your faithful partnership!
*Names have been changed to protect those serving in sensitive regions.