Chris Wright’s latest Word on the World
Chris Wright, Langham’s Global Ambassador and Ministry Director, seeks a biblical response to the war in Ukraine in his latest ‘Word on the World’ feature for the Spring ’22 edition of Transform. I write this on Day 5 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I have no idea what the situation in that country will…
Read MoreFrances Whitehead, John Stott’s ‘right hand’, ‘promoted to glory’
On Saturday 1 June Frances Whitehead, John Stott’s secretary of nearly 60 years, died peacefully at home at the age of 94. Frances served John Stott throughout his whole ministry, as Rector of All Souls, Langham Place, and then in his wider global ministry. For years, they coped with an average of 30 letters a…
Read MoreChris Wright’s Word on the World: ‘Though the earth give way’
I read in the New York Times some weeks ago that there are increasing numbers of young couples getting married with the intention of not having children. And their decision is not a selfish one, to spare themselves the enormous task and cost of parenting, but in many cases a sad and joyless one. The reason they…
Read More「讓聖經改變教會,以致教會改變社會」的運動,你願意參與嗎?
上帝的作為:運動擴展見成果 在過去一年,靈風基金面對更具挑戰的一年,但我們也得著不少從主而來的恩���,好叫你我能一起感恩的。從全球的角度看,我們的事工繼續延展到108個國家。在2017年,我們現時正在資助著68位神學博士的研究生,並為牧者及教會領袖舉辦了超過280個講道人的訓練課程。
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