Igor Amestegui, the Langham Preaching Director for Latin America, shared prayer points during a recent Langham Live prayer meeting for UKI supporters (on Zoom). Join him in bringing the following concerns to the Lord:

Latin America the continent
- The effects of the pandemic on the continent have been devastating: deaths; unemployment; increased poverty; anguish and depression. Coronavirus has hit Latin America hard. Over 100 pastors in Bolivia have died from Covid-19. Many people have lost their job, or had their wages cut in half. The pandemic has led to even greater poverty on the continent. Pray for mercy on Latin America.
- The Church can be a prophetic voice in this crisis, denouncing corruption and violence and announcing grace and forgiveness. Domestic violence has grown, such that it’s dangerous for many women and children to stay at home. Pray that churches will bring a message of hope and guidance. Latin America needs to hear God’s voice – pray that God will use the preachers that Langham has trained to bring His voice to the continent, announcing grace and forgiveness for those who are truly repentant.

Give thanks
- Praise God that a friend of Langham has generously donated enough money to support widows of pastors, and pastors whose salary has stopped because their churches have stopped meeting. This money will be distributed to Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.
Langham Preaching in Latin America

- Pray for the Latin American Langham Preaching leadership team and its continental influence. The regional coordinators are: Dionisio Orjuela, Alex Chiang, Jorge Atiencia and Wilfredo Weigandt.
- The team is preparing a totally virtual level 1 Langham Preaching training scheme. The regional team will pre-record all the videos needed. These will be used for the whole continent.
- Pray for the preaching club coordinators and facilitators. They are working very well, and being very strategic by working in small groups. They are meeting together virtually, which is not so easy for actual preaching training sessions. Pray for the facilitators, who need to be trained in how to train virtually.
- Give thanks for the last online meeting of preaching club coordinators (September 19). It was attended by over 200 people from across the continent, from Mexico to Argentina. It was a beautiful meeting, looking at how we can plan for growth.
Uruguay and Bolivia
- Pray for the start of Langham Preaching in Uruguay. They were ready to start Langham Preaching training just as the pandemic struck. Please pray as the team look to start this virtually.
- General elections are being held in Bolivia on October 18. Last year the elections were “terrible” – the shadow of last year remains on everyone’s minds. Pray for Bolivia as it’s a country divided.
Posted in Preaching