緊急請求 Ugent Appeal (2018-03-16)




2018/9 事工預算那麼,需要有多大?單為2018年,我們需要你協助我們籌得$450萬,以致我們能提供資源在東亞國家地區作培訓教會領袖,去培育他們的會眾在靈性的成熟度,並在承擔使命與門徒訓練的準備程度上成長。





語音信箱:(852) 3005 4498


Dear friends and supporters,

Langham Foundation has gone through a challenging year but please join us in giving thanks for developments across the continents during 2017.  Together with Langham Partnership International, we have expanded our ministry to 108 countries, held 284 pastor training seminars, equipped 9,900+ ministers and lay leaders to teach God’s Word, distributed and supplied over 60,000 Bible-centred books to Majority World colleges, pastors and students. We have also supported 68 students in theological doctoral programmes. Closer to home, Langham Foundation has trained 90 Mandarin-speaking preachers and looking forward to welcoming 3 scholars returning home to serve full-time after obtaining their doctorate degrees in Theology and biblical studies.

We value your prayers and continuing support.  On the negative side, our income has not kept pace with the growing needs .  A HK$400,000 deficit was sustained during the last fiscal year.  With a full-time staff joining as Manager – Development since August 2017, the deficit will widen unless fresh and tangible funding can be available from our faithful donors.

2018/9 Budget ForecastSo how much is needed? We need your help to raise 4.5 million for 2018 alone so that we can provide the resources to train church leaders in East Asian countries to grow their congregation to spiritual maturity and be ready for mission and discipleship.

There is still time to make an end of the financial year tax deductible donation.  Will you please give prayerful consideration to support our work?For this purpose, I attach a download link to the donation form if you prefer to give via credit card or other means.  Just fill in the form and scan it to us for processing. You may also donate through our online form.

Download Form: https://goo.gl/rMjaQ4
Online Donation: https://goo.gl/GTRbgi

We are most grateful to the Lord and also to you for your faithfulness and provision.

Sincerely in Christ,
Victor Sun
Langham Foundation

email: hongkong@langham.org
voicemail: (852) 3005 4498
website: www.langham.org
Address: 11/F Cheung Lee Commercial Building, 137-143 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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