靈風博客 < 內容僅提供英文版本 >

Tackling Trauma: a Ukrainian Perspective

Earlier this year, the Ukrainian translation of Tackling Trauma was published in…


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Going Viral

Chris Wright, International Ministries Director reflects biblically on the corona virus outbreak “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never spent a sleepless night with a single mosquito.” So runs the saying we learned while living in India. Tiny things punch way above their weight. And a virus is a lot smaller than a mosquito. In fact, viruses are among the smallest…

Chris Wright, International Ministries Director reflects biblically on the corona virus outbreak “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never spent a sleepless…

The work goes on in Sierra Leone

Chris Jonah, our Preaching Co-ordinator in Sierra Leone, shared this recent update (dated 25 March 2020). Dear Friends & Partners Greetings. We thank God for making it possible for us to have a Level 1 Preaching seminar at the military headquarters in March. It was a very good seminar. We had 73 participants in total and it was a very engaging time. Most were chaplains…

Chris Jonah, our Preaching Co-ordinator in Sierra Leone, shared this recent update (dated 25 March 2020). Dear Friends & Partners Greetings. We thank God for making…

Relaunch in Jamaica

Mark Meynell, (Langham Preaching Director for Europe and Caribbean) recently spent a weekend in Kingston, Jamaica, along with Annett Brown, Preaching Co-ordinator. Jamaica was one of the very first countries to invite the embryonic Langham Preaching to work, way back in 2002.  John Stott himself visited with Chris Wright and then the work became quite well established, with the first Langham Preaching Director Jonathan Lamb…

Mark Meynell, (Langham Preaching Director for Europe and Caribbean) recently spent a weekend in Kingston, Jamaica, along with Annett Brown, Preaching Co-ordinator. Jamaica was one of…

Tigist and Seble photo

Train one, Impact Thousands

 “What is the purpose of life?” “Is God real? Is the Bible real?”  These are questions that youth leader Tigist hears daily from the group of teens she mentors at her local church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They are looking for truth, meaning, and real hope in the midst of the troubled world they’ve grown up in.  Because of her training under Langham Scholar Dr….

 “What is the purpose of life?” “Is God real? Is the Bible real?”  These are questions that youth leader Tigist hears daily from the group of…

Honoured by Alma mater

Langham Scholar, Elizabeth Mburu, was recently honoured by her alma mater, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Each year SEBTS honours five colleagues in various categories of scholarship. In 2008, Mburu became Southeastern’s first female Ph.D. graduate, leading the way for more women to follow in the path of pursuing advanced degrees in theological education. Keynote address Guests from liberal arts colleges, research universities, seminaries, publishing…

Langham Scholar, Elizabeth Mburu, was recently honoured by her alma mater, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Each year SEBTS honours five colleagues in various categories of…

Far reaching impact

Like a pebble tossed into a pond, it is inspiring to reflect on the impact that one book, one well delivered sermon, or one theologically trained leader can have, not just in an immediate sense, but rippling out in multiple and frequently surprising ways. As a crime scene investigator for the government in Brazil, Rafael has seen hard things in his neighbourhood. But as a…

Like a pebble tossed into a pond, it is inspiring to reflect on the impact that one book, one well delivered sermon, or one theologically trained…


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