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A rural Shinto shrine

The Japanese & Christianity

In the middle of old habits Mr Big Bell, a Japanese man, wrote, ‘My family worshipped at the Buddhist family altar, prayed at the Shinto god-shelf. For New Year it was the Shinto shrine, for funerals it was the Buddhist temple. From a young age I was sat down and recited Buddhist scriptures that I did not understand. But even though the meaning was unclear,…

In the middle of old habits Mr Big Bell, a Japanese man, wrote, ‘My family worshipped at the Buddhist family altar, prayed at the Shinto god-shelf….

Yohanna Katanacho

Author Spotlight – Yohanna Katanacho

Langham Scholar, author and editor Yohanna Katanacho gives some background to his journey of faith and the story behind Praying Through the Psalms: I was born in Jerusalem, in June 1967, during the Arab–Israeli war known as the “Six-Day War”. My father risked his life to bring us home and despite the bomb that exploded next to the entrance of our home, tragically killing our neighbor,…

Langham Scholar, author and editor Yohanna Katanacho gives some background to his journey of faith and the story behind Praying Through the Psalms: I was born in…

Consecrated on a football pitch

Not every football pitch gets a crowd of 10,000 spectators. Nor does every bishop have 10,000 people singing at their consecration. But that was the scene on a Sunday in August last year, in the bustling town of Lira in central Uganda, when Langham Scholar Reverend Canon Doctor Alfred Olwa was consecrated as the new bishop of the Diocese of Lango. Chris Wright reports: I…

Not every football pitch gets a crowd of 10,000 spectators. Nor does every bishop have 10,000 people singing at their consecration. But that was the scene…

A Scholar’s response to terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso

Langham Scholar Yacouba Sanon, who is from Burkina Faso in West Africa, reacts to recent events in his home country. 1) What has happened in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso recently? Three weeks ago, on March 2 2018, the headquarters of the Burkina Faso army staff and the French Embassy were attacked. Seven people were killed and more than 80 others were wounded. Prior to these twin attacks,…

Langham Scholar Yacouba Sanon, who is from Burkina Faso in West Africa, reacts to recent events in his home country. 1) What has happened in Ouagadougou, Burkina…

緊急請求 Ugent Appeal (2018-03-16)

親愛的朋友與支持者: 在過去一年,靈風基金走過更具挑戰的一年,但首先請與我們一起為著2017年內我們在全球各地的發展獻上感恩。

親愛的朋友與支持者: 在過去一年,靈風基金走過更具挑戰的一年,但首先請與我們一起為著2017年內我們在全球各地的發展獻上感恩。


上帝的作為:運動擴展見成果 在過去一年,靈風基金面對更具挑戰的一年,但我們也得著不少從主而來的恩惠,好叫你我能一起感恩的。從全球的角度看,我們的事工繼續延展到108個國家。在2017年,我們現時正在資助著68位神學博士的研究生,並為牧者及教會領袖舉辦了超過280個講道人的訓練課程。

上帝的作為:運動擴展見成果 在過去一年,靈風基金面對更具挑戰的一年,但我們也得著不少從主而來的恩惠,好叫你我能一起感恩的。從全球的角度看,我們的事工繼續延展到108個國家。在2017年,我們現時正在資助著68位神學博士的研究生,並為牧者及教會��袖舉辦了超過280個講道人的訓練課程。


我們的工作涉及一些了不起的人在世界各地做著了不起的事情。 閱讀舊日的通訊並訂閱接收未來的通訊。