靈風博客 < 內容僅提供英文版本 >

Tackling Trauma: a Ukrainian Perspective

Earlier this year, the Ukrainian translation of Tackling Trauma was published in…


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Latin America Langham Preaching

A story of growth in Latin America

Last year in 15 countries across Latin America, over 3,000 people were trained through the Langham Preaching programme. Read on to see a glimpse of what this ministry looks like on the ground: In Latin America, before pastors attend training seminars, they are plugged into Langham Preaching Clubs (called “escuelitas” or “little schools”), where groups of 10 to 12 meet regularly for ongoing mentoring and…

Last year in 15 countries across Latin America, over 3,000 people were trained through the Langham Preaching programme. Read on to see a glimpse of what…

Ukraine preaching training

‘A privilege to train Ukrainian students scattered by war’

The war in Ukraine is becoming less prominent in our UK news as the weeks go by. But the horror and trauma is continuing, and Christian students are desperate to grapple with God’s word despite what is happening.  Mark Meynell, Langham Preaching’s coordinator for Europe and the Caribbean, has been training students scattered because of the war how to preach the book of Revelation.  The…

The war in Ukraine is becoming less prominent in our UK news as the weeks go by. But the horror and trauma is continuing, and Christian…

Kei Hiramatsu and Surya Harefa

Scholars react to assassination of Japan’s former PM

Two Langham Graduates in Japan have shared their thoughts and reflections following the shocking assassination of its former prime minister last month. Kei Hiramatsu and Surya Harefa currently serve in bible colleges and both expressed that the murder of Shinzo Abe is unimaginable in contemporary Japan.  Kei explained: “Safety is one keyword to describe our country; for example, some 7 or 8-year-olds commute to their school…

Two Langham Graduates in Japan have shared their thoughts and reflections following the shocking assassination of its former prime minister last month. Kei Hiramatsu and Surya…

Nathanael Somanathan

‘Church can be voice of hope in Sri Lanka’

Current Langham Scholar Nathanael Somanathan, from Sri Lanka, says the Church has been and will be a “voice of hope” in response to the current political and economic crisis in his country. Speaking to LPUKI’s Media Producer Victoria Marsay, Nathanael (who is studying at Birmingham University) explained that Sri Lanka is experiencing its worst economic crisis in history. Virtually every sector has been overwhelmed and…

Current Langham Scholar Nathanael Somanathan, from Sri Lanka, says the Church has been and will be a “voice of hope” in response to the current political…

Uk Scholars consultation 2022

‘Witnessing God’s amazing work in many corners of the world’

Ten current Langham Scholars who are studying at UK universities met for a stimulating and encouraging conference in Cambridge earlier this year. It was the first in-person consultation for this group in three years. Ably led by the Scholars team, the Scholars stayed at Westminster College in Cambridge and enjoyed times of worship, fellowship and seminars. Each Scholar presented their studies during a presentation, which…

Ten current Langham Scholars who are studying at UK universities met for a stimulating and encouraging conference in Cambridge earlier this year. It was the first…

Riad Kassis

It takes a teacher to raise a village: why theological education is essential for the Gospel’s growth

By Riad Kassis, Langham Scholars Director It’s a Sunday afternoon, you’ve just come out of church and you’re trying to remember what the preach was about. Something the visiting pastor said really grated with your understanding of the Bible, and the rest of the congregation’s. Ring a bell? Whilst you’ll never see a ‘were you involved in an accident at church that wasn’t your fault?’…

By Riad Kassis, Langham Scholars Director It’s a Sunday afternoon, you’ve just come out of church and you’re trying to remember what the preach was about….


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