靈風博客 < 內容僅提供英文版本 >

Tackling Trauma: a Ukrainian Perspective

Earlier this year, the Ukrainian translation of Tackling Trauma was published in…


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Central Eastern European Bible Commentary – please pray

Langham Literature is supporting the completion of another one-volume Bible commentary, this time for Central and Eastern Europe. The resource, written by indigenous Scholars for Central and Eastern European believers, is expected to take several years to complete. And the total cost will be hundreds of thousands of pounds. The project’s coordinator Katharina Penner recently gave this update about the commentary: CEEBC update “Work on…

Langham Literature is supporting the completion of another one-volume Bible commentary, this time for Central and Eastern Europe. The resource, written by indigenous Scholars for Central…

‘Great joy’: Langham Preaching brings unity in Indonesia

Langham Preaching works all over the world providing training for church leaders who are working in extremely difficult circumstances. Wherever possible, training is provided by people “on the ground”. Hendra Setia Prasaja is one such pastor who comes from Indonesia. He helps to run Langham Preaching seminars for pastors from different backgrounds in his area. He was recently interviewed for a ‘Preaching Postcard‘: How did Jesus…

Langham Preaching works all over the world providing training for church leaders who are working in extremely difficult circumstances. Wherever possible, training is provided by people…

Langham trains drunken gambler turned Pastor in remote East Malaysia

“He killed a man.” This was the first thing I was told about Pastor Michael who attended the initial Langham Preaching training held in Sarawak, East Malaysia earlier this year. The training was taught in the Malay language by a team from Indonesia and was focused on preachers working amongst the indigenous peoples in Sarawak. 35 people attended the training, including both indigenous and ‘Big…

“He killed a man.” This was the first thing I was told about Pastor Michael who attended the initial Langham Preaching training held in Sarawak, East…

Liberian pastors grateful to God for Langham resources and training

Just last week, eleven people attended a special Langham Preaching training event in Liberia. Attendees includes local trainers, who were being refreshed in how to lead seminars, and Preaching Club coordinators. The participants were extremely grateful not only for the training, but also for a book pack that Langham Literature gave to each of them. The titles received included Langham publications, such as the landmark…

Just last week, eleven people attended a special Langham Preaching training event in Liberia. Attendees includes local trainers, who were being refreshed in how to lead…

Pray for Langham’s long-term fruitful impact in Austria

Langham Preaching’s ministry in places like Austria and other countries in Europe can be discouraging as event attendance tends to be very low. But Mark Meynell, Langham Preaching Director (Europe and Caribbean), has pointed out that “depth in ministry is more important than size”. He added: “Far better to have biblical convictions and faithful practices deeply ingrained in someone’s life than huge crowds showing initial…

Langham Preaching’s ministry in places like Austria and other countries in Europe can be discouraging as event attendance tends to be very low. But Mark Meynell,…

Havilah Dharamraj

Langham Scholar and Keswick speaker says top degrees ‘open doors’ for South Asian leaders

Langham Scholar Havilah Dharamraj completed a PhD at Durham University in 2006 and is now the Academic Dean of India’s leading evangelical theological institution for post-graduate study. Havilah was also one of the speakers at this year’s Keswick Convention. This article comes from an interview conducted by our partners in New Zealand last year. Havilah has some very good reasons for believing that higher degrees…

Langham Scholar Havilah Dharamraj completed a PhD at Durham University in 2006 and is now the Academic Dean of India’s leading evangelical theological institution for post-graduate…


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