Equipped to Multiply Disciples in Latin America

Langham is grateful for your generous partnership—and we celebrate the ways God is using your gifts and prayers to draw His people toward Jesus around the world! Together, and by His grace, we are seeing transformational leaders like Juan José Barreda Toscano equipped with a PhD and now multiplying disciples in their nations.    Juan…

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Bountiful harvest from a Langham writers’ workshop

It can take many years to see fruit from writers’ workshops. They bring together a small group of Christian leaders who want to write books for their own communities. The workshops provide time to write and reflect on the universal principles that writers need to bear in mind as they shape a book. The writers…

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A ‘milestone’ for Langham Preaching in Ethiopia

Last month, a diverse group of Langham Preaching trainers from across Ethiopia gathered at a retreat centre on Lake Babogaya to receive training themselves. Jennifer Cuthbertson, Langham Preaching’s Coordinator for Trainer Development, co-led the workshop. She used learner-centred techniques to teach the attendees how to lead Langham Preaching seminars. Jennifer described the 14 participants, which included…

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Scholar shapes future leaders in Ukraine

A Langham Scholar, who studied for a PhD at the University of St Andrews, was recently inducted as head of a Bible college in his home country Ukraine. This is an answer to many prayers. Oleksandr Geychenko now has the opportunity to shape future church leaders through his role at Odessa Theological Seminary. The inauguration service…

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Pray for Langham Preaching in the South Pacific

When you hear “Fiji”, your first thought might be a tourist destination with stunning beaches and constant sunshine. But last month, sun-bathing was out of the question for over 50 people who attended Langham Preaching training. Retired minister Stephen Williams and Revd Andy Shudall were among the trainers who led one group through the first…

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Listening to God’s Word and the World

If you’re looking to find Langham Scholar Dr. Rolex Cailing, a biblical leader trained with support from Langham in the Philippines, you’re going to have to look in some unusual places. Many Filipinos would expect to find him tucked away in his office all day. But Rolex is more likely to be found engaged in…

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Author Spotlight – Imad Shehadeh

Imad Shehadeh is the author of Langham Global Library title ‘God With Us and Without Us, Volume 1′. He is a Palestinian Christian with a doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas, USA. After completing his studies in Dallas he returned to Jordan where he founded the Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in 1991, where Dr Shehadeh is…

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Equipping generations to preach faithfully in Botswana

Three members of the same family, along with a 74-year-old great grandmother, have completed all three levels of Langham Preaching training in Botswana. At the end of the week-long event in August this year, 15 people in total ‘graduated’ from the course. They are the first people in Botswana to have completed the three levels,…

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Representing Majority World Theology in Academia

Representing Majority World Theology at SBL/AAR

Each November, we at Langham Publishing exhibit our latest and most relevant titles at theological conferences in North America. It is an excellent opportunity to present our books to thousands of attendees browsing the exhibit halls and showcase the very best evangelical Majority World theology. Beginning with the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), the Institute for Biblical Research…

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