Legacy and Gift Planning
You can continue to make an impact for the Kingdom of God far beyond your lifetime through legacy giving with Langham Partnership.

Many people love to include Langham in their will or trust because a legacy or planned gift is…
- A Joyful Act of Worship – All we have comes from the Lord, and as we plan to give generously to Christ and his mission we honor him with our resources.
- A Powerful Way to Strengthen the Church Around the World – For many, a gift in your will or trust or a beneficiary designation will be the largest financial gift you are ever able to make.
- A Compassionate Way to Care for Your Family and Loved Ones – Making plans allows you to consider what is best for your family and loved ones, and also provide an example of what you love and value for future generations.
- A Smart Way to Steward Your Resources – Certain gift options have tax benefits that allow you to give more to your family and to kingdom work.
There are many ways to give and help bring the Word of God to the Majority World for decades to come.
Wills + Bequests
By designating Langham Partnership as a beneficiary in your will or trust, you are making an impact on future generations of believers around the world. It’s simple to do, and you can retain access to your God-given resources throughout your lifetime, or as long as you need them.
To give to Langham via your will or trust, talk to your estate planning attorney or financial advisor. You can utilize the sample language below:
“I hereby give to Langham Foundation Limited, a nonprofit organization in Hong Kong, Taxpayer Identification Number: 91/6952, the [sum of HK$________] or [________% of the residue of my estate], to be used for ** in (please indicate the country name(s) or region(s))” [**please indicate your designated purpose(s) or programme: General funding / Langham Scholars / Langham Preaching / Langham Literature]
Please consult with your estate planning attorney or financial advisor on the tax implications of your gift. If you have any questions about bequest language or if you want to make a specifically designated bequest, please email to lfhk.mail@langham.org.
We’d Love to Say “Thank You!” and Welcome
By letting Langham Partnership know about your planned gifts, you can help us plan ahead to meet the ministry needs about which you care so much. You also give us the opportunity to thank and honor you for the difference you will make long after your lifetime. Would you please share your decision to include Langham Partnership in your will or trust with us? To do so, please email to lfhk.mail@langham.org.